What Nobody Tells You About Running a Business

What You Need to Know

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Let's talk about what most people won't say to you when they are growing a business:

Absolute fear of failure.

Whether they are willing to admit it or not, we all find ourselves in a dark place in our minds more often than we care to admit.

Wondering if we have what it takes…

I’ll experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows… in the exact same day… multiple times a week.

It’s a literal roller coaster ride, to say the least.

We as founders don't share this with anyone because we are afraid of coming off as weak to existing clients or future clients.

The thing about keeping it quiet is you either win or lose in silence.

But let me be real about one thing:

There is no honor in figuring everything out on your own.

If you know me, you know I tend to be an open book (just ask anyone who has spent more than 5 minutes with me).

If we had a more open dialogue about our true fears we would find the world isn't as lonely as we think it is.

And you really have two options:

  1. Suffer in silence

  2. Victory in being open

I choose the second option.

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It only takes one big decision to go all in on something to change your life…

If you’re looking to take personal branding and online business serious and change your life because of it, the Legacy Built Skool Community is for you.

It's $97/month and will be the best investment you will make (I guarantee it).

Until next time... Keep building,



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