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- 8 Signs Your Breakthrough Year is Coming
8 Signs Your Breakthrough Year is Coming
Branding Daily
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Welcome to today’s edition of Branding Daily, the newsletter trusted by over 10,000 readers in the marketing, branding, and solo-preneurship space.
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If you’re in the boat of feeling:
Burnt out
Like you’re spinning your wheels
Wondering if what you’re doing is working
I’ve been in your shoes more often than I care to admit.
Here’s the reality about doing something outside of what most people call “normal.”
It’s always crazy until it works.
So, today, here’s a little encouragement to keep going, keep pushing, and keep working on your dreams.
Here are 8 key signs your breakthrough year is coming:
1. You seek feedback
If you’re working with a mentor and/or always seeking different ways to get better… success is in your future.
It’s the people who get complacent that don’t end up reaching their goals.
2. You’re an action-taker
You lean more towards taking action rather than creating more plans. The people who win in life and business, take action… simple as that.
Most plans go down the drain after taking action anyway. If you’re an action-taker, good things are coming to you.
3. You have a clear vision
“Without a vision, the people perish.” This includes ourselves.
If you have a clear picture of what you want out of life, you’re already ahead of 90% of people. Most people accept what path they’re given in life.
A clear picture of a vision is setting you up for success already.
4. You take calculated risks
The people who win big in life don’t play it safe and wait for absolute certainty before moving forward.
They understand the risks and move forward anyway.
If you’re a risk-taker, it’s only a matter of time until one of your risks pays off big.
5. You’re a continuous learner
If you’re learning stops after college, you’re going to wind up like over 80% of society… unhealthy, broke, and disliking their job.
But if you’re someone who loves to read, learn new things, and apply your learnings, you’re well on your way to becoming successful.
It’s only a matter of time until the knowledge you rack up over time turns into one of your greatest assets in life and in business.
6. You don’t like to waste time
People who manage their time well, tend to be more successful than others. This doesn’t mean you spend 12 hours working every day. It just means you’re efficient with how and what you spend your time on.
Often things like social events and parties tend to bother you and steer you away because you see it as a time waster.
If this is you, good things are coming.
7. You are consistent 80% of the time
The main theme I see across every successful person I know is this… they were incredibly consistent for a long time.
They knew their goals, they knew what they needed to do to reach them, and they remained consistent until they achieved them.
If you’re consistent with the right tasks and objectives at least 80% of the time, you’re going to be successful.
8. You have a positive attitude and mindset
Whether you like it or not, your mindset is the number one determinant of success. You will never reach success if you don’t believe you’re capable of it in the first place.
But if you’ve had a positive attitude and mindset from the get-go, it’s only a matter of time until you’re mindset leads you to the right opportunities.
Stay patient and keep moving forward.
Building a brand is about more than copywriting, marketing, and posting content online consistently…
It’s about adopting the mindset, skills, and beliefs that it takes to build a brand and business online.
And that’s exactly what I plan to dive into every day with this newsletter.
Until next time... Keep building,
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